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Bold Action for a Better Future: A Letter from Our CEO

Dear Friends,

In a moment of so much pain and polarization, when our course as a society seems so uncertain, the need for bold and empathetic leadership has never been greater. Over the past month, I’ve witnessed firsthand how our Fellows and alumni are reshaping the future of this country. Through their thoughtful leadership, I believe we will come closer to creating a world that is just, equitable, and inspiring.

We know it won’t be easy. We are wrestling with a challenging economy, pervasive sexism, and systemic racism. As a nation, we have yet to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity. That’s why this year we will serve thousands more students – through our proven Fellows Program and our new, groundbreaking virtual learning platform, FirstGenU.

Jake Crop

Our goal is to deepen ANYs impact, providing opportunities for powerful mentorship, career development education, and a catalytic network to serve more first-generation college students than ever before. I am truly excited about our organization’s awesome potential to guide those ambitious undergraduates as they pursue the careers of their dreams.

Today, barely one of five low-income, first-generation students graduates from college within six years. Even when they persist and graduate, they earn on average 27 percent less than their peers with college-educated parents. This is why we must fight harder than ever for economic mobility for our Fellows and their families. 

I believe in this community. I believe in the exemplary young people whom we serve. It is my honor to lead ANY and to engage with you all in this vital work. Together, we will create the most diverse and powerful professional network this country has ever seen. We will ensure that the next generation of leaders in the workforce reflects our nation’s rich diversity. Thank you for your commitment to our team. I look forward to our work ahead!


Jake Moreno Coplon
CEO, America Needs You

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