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Ways To Donate

A tax-deductible gift to ANY ensures a brighter future for first-generation college students. Thank you for being a partner in this work!

“Being a part of the supportive ANY community and having a mentor helped me grow my relationships and allowed me to push myself to better represent who I am and who I want to become.”  – Jorge, Fellow

Tax Benefits: America Needs You is a 501(c)(3) New York non-profit corporation, which previously did business as New York Needs You and New Jersey Needs You. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. America Needs You will not share or sell a donor’s personal information with anyone else nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

image of interns

Donate By Mail

To make a gift by mail, please make check payable to America Needs You and mail to:

America Needs You
82 Nassau St #60358
New York, New York 10038

Attend An Event

America Needs You hosts several fundraising events throughout the year. What better way to make a difference than attending an event while having a memorable, fun time, and meet the people who make America Needs You a success! 

Interested in hosting a fundraising event? contact Emily Daniels Ashton, Chief External Affairs Officer, at emily.ashton@americaneedsyou.org

ANY Golf Tournament Image

Stock Donations

ANY happily accepts donations of stock.  For more information on this or other contributions of financial support please contact Emily Daniels Ashton, Chief External Affairs Officer via phone (717) 312-7938 or email emily.ashton@americaneedsyou.org.

Estate Planning

You can ensure first-generation college students have access to the Fellows Program for generations to come.  Please consider including America Needs You in your estate plans.  To find out how you can leave a lasting legacy through a bequest or other deferred gifts, please contact Emily Daniels Ashton, Chief External Affairs Officer, at emily.ashton@americaneedsyou.org.



Our Fellows Program
Is Accepting Applications

for 2024