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FirstGenU Spotlight: Anny

Anny Huang is a senior at the University of Oregon, majoring in environmental studies and double minoring in business administration and sustainable business. Her career goal is to be an environmental health specialist, helping to create and implement rules and regulations about environmental safety concerns. Anny is a dog mom and loves to do adventurous outdoor activities in her free time. She can count to ten in five different languages and loves tacos. 

Anny Huang“I didn’t know where to start when it came to career building. There are so many different steps and a lot of information. It was hard to keep track of all of it.”

 FirstGenU was introduced to her by a student in the ANY Fellows Program. They told her that ANY was creating a new platform that allowed first-generation college students to join regardless of where they lived.

FirstGenU gave me a good foundation to start my career path. The most important thing I took away from the courses was that it’s okay not to know fully what you want in your career, just never stop networking. You never know where it can take you. “

Anny became an FGU ambassador because she wanted to help others who struggle to figure out where to begin after college. Being a first-generation student, she often had to learn things on her own and navigate school life independently. It became overwhelming and lonely because she had no guidance. By being a FGU ambassador, she can help guide others and show them that they are not alone. 

“I always try to take advantage of the FGU network and events because I never know who could be my next boss or a good friend. I always find it beneficial to join these events when I can because, as humans, we strive when we interact. “

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